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What is that in your hand?

Writer: lesliemoorewriteslesliemoorewrites

Updated: Apr 15, 2023

What is that in your hand?

A great place to start when considering our “next thing” is thinking about what talents, gifts, passions, and abilities God has given us already, and how we can leverage those things to bring Him glory—the thing that is already “in our hands.” My pastor used this illustration in a sermon months ago when preaching on the life of Moses.

I would encourage you to read the account from Scripture in Exodus starting in chapter one.

God calls Moses to rescue His people from captivity in Egypt (Ex. 3:10). God asks him, “What is that in your hand?” (Ex. 4:2). It was his staff, which we know Moses

used to perform miracles before Pharaoh and later with the Israelites. God was able to use a simple tool that every shepherd would’ve also carried. As I’m sure you’ve heard before, God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called.

So, what are your passions, gifts, talents, or abilities? Are you burying gifts or talents that you could leverage to share the hope of the Gospel?

I would challenge you to pray with open hands, with your “yes”on the table, and ask God, “What is the next thing you have for me?”.Only He can tell you what that is and how to walk it out in your life.

Next week we’ll talk about the glory of God and a few questions we can ask ourselves to determine if our “next thing” is glorying God or ourselves. Thanks for being here, and I hope to see you there!


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